What's happening in Twilight AfterSchool?…… – Youth in Arts

What's happening in Twilight AfterSchool?……

Home / After School / What's happening in Twilight AfterSchool?……

The young artists in the Twilight After School program continue to explore materials as they ask themselves big questions.
They have embarked on a “flag” project, and are thinking about “Our Community. Our World.”
What in the world inspires you?
If you could design a flag, what symbols would be present?
What do you want to share about your community with others?
We began by talking about the world and about our community and made lists to record our ideas.

The young artists are now working with oil pastels and tempera paints aka “wake up paints” on white fabric.
They are discovering that the oil pastels can be blended and rubbed into the fabric. It is a physical material.
“I like standing to paint. I can use my whole body.”
“The paint goes over the oil pastel. When it dries I like how it looks.”

The flags are starting to take on different identities and the students are excited about the combination of materials.

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