Encouraging Literacy through Art Making – Youth in Arts

Encouraging Literacy through Art Making

Home / Sausalito Marin City School Demonstration / Encouraging Literacy through Art Making

Bayside School and Willow Creek Academy Elementary teachers came together for their monthly Visual Arts PD.

Vibrant paint chips were the catalyst for inspiration.

In pairs, teachers were given the challenge to create a story using all of the words listed in the paint chip color strip.

The writings were playful, collaborative, and incited ideas for further extensions in different classrooms.

Teachers were then given strips of canvas paper with three drawn circles.

The next challenge was to explore color mixing, and to create three new colors.

How can these colors represent a moment in your day? A smell you experienced, an emotion, or a vision that inspired you?

Once the colors were painted on the canvas, language was connected to the mood of the color.

As a group we reflected on what we noticed, and ways these explorations could be used in different areas of the curriculum.

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