This year Youth in Arts will be providing 37 arts residencies in Special Day Classrooms in Marin with the help of our generous donors and in collaboration with the Marin County Office of Education. Under the guidance of Youth in Arts Mentor Artists, students and teachers will explore new and engaging venues for learning and growing.
The diversity of our student learners is reflected in the diversity of our programming. Just a few examples of projects to take place this year:
YIA Staff and Mentor Artist Suzanne Joyal will explore textures, feelings, colors and language with students in a Pre-K early intervention program at Marindale School.
YIA Mentor Artist William Rossel will be introducing the rhythms and sounds of Classical Indian Music through percussive play, vocalization and gross motor movement at Redwood High.
YIA Mentor Artist Melissa Briggs will be working with an integrated group of high school students from a Special Day Class and Mainstream Class to create an original play at Tamalpais High School.
YIA Staff and Mentor Artist Nydia Gonzalez will be leading a high school Special Day Class in Latin Dance moves at Terra Linda High School.
Many of the Special Education teachers in Marin look forward to our programming to enrich their curriculum every year. There are still a few subsidized slots left for MCOE’s Special Day Classes, so if you know of a teacher who would like arts programming this year, let them know!
The diversity of our student learners is reflected in the diversity of our programming. Just a few examples of projects to take place this year:
YIA Staff and Mentor Artist Suzanne Joyal will explore textures, feelings, colors and language with students in a Pre-K early intervention program at Marindale School.
YIA Mentor Artist William Rossel will be introducing the rhythms and sounds of Classical Indian Music through percussive play, vocalization and gross motor movement at Redwood High.
YIA Mentor Artist Melissa Briggs will be working with an integrated group of high school students from a Special Day Class and Mainstream Class to create an original play at Tamalpais High School.
YIA Staff and Mentor Artist Nydia Gonzalez will be leading a high school Special Day Class in Latin Dance moves at Terra Linda High School.
Many of the Special Education teachers in Marin look forward to our programming to enrich their curriculum every year. There are still a few subsidized slots left for MCOE’s Special Day Classes, so if you know of a teacher who would like arts programming this year, let them know!
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You’ve cpatured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!