3rd Annual C Street Celebration May 18! – Youth in Arts

3rd Annual C Street Celebration May 18!

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Youth in Arts

3rd Annual C Street Celebration May 18!

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Youth in Arts’ 3rd Annual C Street Celebration
FREE Community Festival of Creativity
May 18, 2024; 11am-4pm


  • Student music and dance performances
  • Hands-on family art workshops
  • Activities with our Community Partners
  • Children’s Avenue chalk painting
  • Teaching Artist performances
  • Face painting
  • Local food and drink
  • Full-length ‘Til Dawn a cappella concert and MORE!
  • Don’t miss! Premiere of A Splash of Color California Film Institute student-created documentary of the installation of Youth in Arts student-created mural at Venetia Valley TK-8 School.

Sponsor the C Street Celebration and make a BIG IMPACT in our community: BECOME A SPONSOR

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsors

Thank you to our Celebration Sponsor

Thank you to our Creativity Sponsors

Thank you to our Collaboration Sponsors


Thank you to our Community Sponsors

Kate & Eric Newsom
Suzanne Reich
Naomi Tamura & Ali Rezaian
Jane & Kurt Burkhard

To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href="mailto:yia@youthinarts.org?subject=Registration%20via%20%223rd%20Annual%20C%20Street%20Celebration%20May%2018%21%22%20listing%20on%20https%3A%2F%2Fyouthinarts.org">yia@youthinarts.org</a>

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2024-05-18 @ 11:00 AM to
2024-05-18 @ 04:00 PM

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