I AM: Venetia Valley Community Paint Day – Youth in Arts

I AM: Venetia Valley Community Paint Day

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Youth in Arts

I AM: Venetia Valley Community Paint Day

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Paint a mural with Youth in Arts at
Venetia Valley School
177 N San Pedro Rd
Saturday, April 5; 11 am – 2:30 pm

Join us for Community Paint Day, an opportunity to help bring a mural to life at Venetia Valley School. This mural has been designed by talented emerging artists in Youth in Arts’ I AM program, a paid art mentorship that empowers youth to develop their artistic voice and create meaningful public art. We invite people of all ages to come together and paint—no experience needed!



Pinta un mural con Youth in Arts
Escuela Venetia Valley
177 N San Pedro Rd
Sábado, 5 de abril; 11 am – 2:30 pm

Únete a nosotros en el Día de Pintura Comunitaria, una oportunidad para ayudar a dar vida a un mural en la Escuela Venetia Valley. Este mural fue diseñado por talentosos artistas emergentes del programa I AM de Youth in Arts, una mentoría artística remunerada que empodera a jóvenes para desarrollar su voz artística y crear arte público significativo. Invitamos a personas de todas las edades a unirse y pintar, ¡no se necesita experiencia!

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2025-04-05 to

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