
Did You Know It's Almost Festival Time?

Home / Italian Street Painting Festival / Did You Know It's Almost Festival Time?

With the Festival only two weeks away, the Youth in Arts staff and our amazing crew of volunteers are hard at work, day and night.
Are you planning to come to the Festival? Jump on over to our Bella Terra 2010 pages and get all the information you need to plan a visit–directions, entertainment schedules and special previews of some of the art work that will be created over the weekend.
Are you one of our amazing artists? Check out our Who’s Painting page and make sure we have your weblink up, so visitors can see your year-round work. And artists and performers can all grab the Festival 2010 button for your own sites and blogs, to help get folks there to see you in action!
If you’re planning to volunteer, you should be registered by now, but if you haven’t quite got around to it, access our online form right away or contact yia so we can help you get signed up.
It’s going to be a great Festival weekend–we’re looking forward to chalking up another one and can’t wait to see you there!

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