VSA arts, Exploring the Ocean – Youth in Arts

VSA arts, Exploring the Ocean

Home / Artists In Schools / VSA arts, Exploring the Ocean

Through our VSA arts program, YIA Mentor Artist Angela Baker is working with students of varied abilities in a Special Day Classroom at Redwood High School to make an Ocean Mural.

Fun with Tempera!

Students will spend 10 weeks with Angela, creating a collaborative paper mural of the ocean. During week one of the project, students looked at photographs of the ocean and also of various sea creatures such as fish, jellyfish and sea turtles. Because many students had limited mobility, Angela provided outlines of the sea creatures which the students then painted with brightly colored temperas.
In week two, students cut out the sea creatures with adult assistance.
Students also did some free form painting on 12″x18″ sheets of paper. These sheets were then torn and collaged on to a large paper to form the ocean background for the painted sea creatures.

Beginning of Ocean Mural

In the coming weeks, students will continue to create the collaborative Ocean Mural, exploring different mediums and techniques.  At Youth in Arts, we believe that high quality arts education should be accessible to people of all abilities and we raise money to provide this program to hundreds of students in Special Day Classes every year.
We look forward to seeing the mural when it is complete!

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