Family Appreciation Through the Arts – Youth in Arts

Family Appreciation Through the Arts

Home / Artists In Schools / Family Appreciation Through the Arts

Families are the compass that guide us.

They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.
– Brad Henry

Last night Ms. Brooke and Tenisha Tate, opened the Parent Center to the families of the Sausalito Marin City School District.

Visitors were welcomed by family member portraits created by the young artists at Bayside School.

The artists had used watercolors, colored pencils, pastels, and Sharpies to create the works of art.

Each artist wrote a description of the loved one, and Ms. Brooke also included a photo of the artist with their art work.

People were also welcomed by an important question:

And the Studio Habits of Mind were also posted as important reminders:

There was a buzz in the Parent Center as people gathered and looked and celebrated being together.
And a photo studio was set up, where Ms. Brooke took family portraits.
Beautiful work!

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