Mary Silveira, Weeks 12-15 – Youth in Arts

Mary Silveira, Weeks 12-15

Home / Artists In Schools / Mary Silveira, Weeks 12-15

Mentor Artist Gabrielle Gamboa provided this update on our art and science integration program at Mary Silveira school. Artwork from this program was featured in December-January at YIA Gallery as part of our “Imaginary Voyages” exhibit.
After creative warm-up exercises, such as “Connect-The-Dot Creatures” and “Mandala Making”, Mary Silveira 5th graders have been adding to their “Imaginary Island” exploration journals. We learned some techniques for drawing and shading in one-point and two-point linear perspective to illustrate island locations, as part of a continuing adventure story that each student is creating.
And since one session happened to take place on Valentines Day, we took a break to make mixed-media greeting cards and gifts!
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