
Laurel Dell 5th grade Architects present on San Rafael 2040 General Plan

Home / Artists In Schools / Laurel Dell 5th grade Architects present on San Rafael 2040 General Plan

Mr. Belmont’s fifth graders have been working with Architect and Educator Shirl Buss for the last 12 weeks. They have focused this year’s work on the San Rafael 2040 Plan: what do today’s young people want for their city when they are grown up? Lots of green space and color, educational opportunities for Boyd Park, transportation that includes buses, bike and walking paths from end to end, safe affordable housing, more jobs, turning buildings along the canal toward the water, and designing new structures for sea level rise.
Last night, four representatives from the class joined Ms. Buss at the San Rafael 2040 Plan General Meeting. Students presented their ideas to the entire planning committee, and were articulate and thoughtful and clearly very knowledgeable about their work. The city planners asked many questions, and students not only answered them all, but wanted even MORE!
See the video here.

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