December 20, 2011Artists In Schools, VSA arts, YIA Programs5 comentsTam Students WRITE, DIRECT & PERFORM December 15, 2011Artists In Schools, YIA Programs0 comentsShort School Students Create Mixed Media Mural December 14, 2011Artists In Schools, Professional Development0 coments"Kind of Blue" Professional Development December 14, 2011Uncategorized0 coments"Kind Of Blue" Professional Development December 9, 2011YIA Gallery, YIA Studio, Youth in Arts Presents0 comentsFree Family Holiday Event December 2, 2011Uncategorized0 comentsWinning Stickers! December 1, 2011After School, Artists In Schools0 comentsPlaywriting at the Novato Youth Center November 30, 2011After School, Artists In Schools0 comentsLynwood Printmakers Celebrate their Art with Cookies and Cider November 30, 2011Artists In Schools0 comentsMasks at Mary Silveira: Studying Symmetry, Shape, Form and Color 10203065666768708090
December 15, 2011Artists In Schools, YIA Programs0 comentsShort School Students Create Mixed Media Mural
December 14, 2011Artists In Schools, Professional Development0 coments"Kind of Blue" Professional Development
December 9, 2011YIA Gallery, YIA Studio, Youth in Arts Presents0 comentsFree Family Holiday Event December 2, 2011Uncategorized0 comentsWinning Stickers! December 1, 2011After School, Artists In Schools0 comentsPlaywriting at the Novato Youth Center November 30, 2011After School, Artists In Schools0 comentsLynwood Printmakers Celebrate their Art with Cookies and Cider November 30, 2011Artists In Schools0 comentsMasks at Mary Silveira: Studying Symmetry, Shape, Form and Color 10203065666768708090
November 30, 2011After School, Artists In Schools0 comentsLynwood Printmakers Celebrate their Art with Cookies and Cider November 30, 2011Artists In Schools0 comentsMasks at Mary Silveira: Studying Symmetry, Shape, Form and Color 10203065666768708090
November 30, 2011Artists In Schools0 comentsMasks at Mary Silveira: Studying Symmetry, Shape, Form and Color 10203065666768708090