Dancing to the Monkeys – Youth in Arts

Dancing to the Monkeys

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Students from Barbara  Royanne‘s Special Day Class at San Jose Middle Mchool  presented a very successful talent show as the culmination of their 20 weeks working with Mentor Artist Hannah Dworkin.  The day began with a demonstration of reading rhymes to the upbeat , silly song Big, Pig, Fig.   Then the students demonstrated the amazing progress they made  over the year in their physical education classes through pushups and jumping jacks.
Finally, it was Youth in Arts’ turn.  The students choreographed two dances.  They began with a dance performed to the Monkey’s I’m a Believer, and once all students were in place all students regardless of ability level participated in a dance choreographed to Kool n’ the Gang’s Celebration.

YIA Mentor Artist Hannah Dworkin chose music that the students were familiar with and enthusiastic about.  Students manipulated engaging and colorful props including beatiful scarves that danced around the room.
Thank you to all of the Para Educators and teachers who took an active roll and helped by following up with activities during the week!  All involved in this project felt it was a huge success.   Thank you to Youth in Arts for providing the funding and opportunities for these children and teachers!

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